Last Updated: 4 July, 2024

MAZi Security Company and its affiliates (“MAZi”, “we”, “our”, “us”) provide following services for use in conjunction with various MAZi products (“Products”): (1) MAZi user website and user accounts that may be accessed at, and all associated sites connected with, excluding any third parties’ sites (the “Website”); (2) software applications that can be downloaded to a mobile device (“Mobile Apps”) including not limited to MAZi platform; and (3) any services available on the Website and Mobile Apps (“Available Services”). The term “MAZi Services” means the Website, Mobile Apps, and Available Services.

This Privacy Policy explains how MAZi handles the collection, storage, and disclosure of information, including personal information, regarding MAZi Services. It also applies to any information we collect from the operation and use of Products we sell while connected to MAZi Services and any other MAZi services that link to this Privacy Policy.

You will need to register or have an account via Website or Mobile Apps to access MAZi Services. For the purposes of seeking to provide you with a better experience, to improve MAZi Services or otherwise where you have consented, with such account without new registration, you may access to other services provided by MAZi over Internet and/or mobile applications. You may also from time to time ask us to migrate or export your personal information contained in one service to another services, where such migration option is available. Any applicable privacy policy may apply to specific services provided by MAZi, you are advised to read this Privacy Policy and any specific policy for your interest before using the services. We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of your personal information by complying with applicable laws, and we are equally committed to ensuring that all our employees and agents uphold these obligations.

We may modify this Privacy Policy at any time, provided certain provisions of this Privacy Policy prove to be incomplete or outdated and further provided that these changes are reasonable for you, taking into account your interests. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you by the email address specified in your account or by means of notice on the Website or apps of any such changes.

By using MAZi Services and Products or other acting permitted by the applicable laws, you are deemed to have read, acknowledged and accepted all the provisions stated herein this Privacy Policy, including any changes we may make from time to time. In order to comply with applicable laws, including local data protection legislation (e. g. General Data Protection Regulation in Europe Union), we will specifically seek prior express consent to the particular processing (e. g. providing marketing materials to you) of personal information. Furthermore, we are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of your personal information by complying with applicable laws, and we are equally committed to ensuring that all our employees and agents uphold these obligations.

You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last revised by referring to the date it was “Last Updated” above.

  1. Definitions
  2. The Type of Personal Information We Process and Why We Collect it
  3. How We Use Your Personal Information
  4. Cookies and Other Technologies
  5. Personal Information Processed on Your Behalf as a Processor
  6. How We Share Your Personal Information
  7. Securing Your Personal Information
  8. Your Rights and Retention of Your Personal Information
  9. Social Community Features and Social Networks
  10. Your Choices
  11. Children’s Privacy
  12. Global Operations and Data Transfers
  13. Contact Us
  14. Additional Terms

1. Definitions

Personal information shall have the same meaning as “personal data” and shall include any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); an identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identification number or to one or more factors specific to his physical, physiological, mental, economic, cultural or social identity. Examples of personal information include your name, telephone number, email address, physical address, and payment information.

Personal information also includes information that alone cannot directly identify you, but with other information we have access to can identify you, such as product serial numbers, log data that automatically records information about your visit, such as your browser type, domains, page views, the URL of the page that referred you, the URL of the page you next visit, your IP address, and page navigation, unique device ID collected from Products and your mobile devices, data from cookies, pixel tags, and web beacons, the country and time zone of the connected Product, geo-location, mobile phone carrier identification, and device software platform and firmware information.

MAZi platform Team Services means the value-added Available Services including MAZi cloud-based video management system (“Cloud CMS-MAZi”)services, cloud vehicle monitoring (“Vehicle”) function, cloud-based Access Control, Attendance and Video Intercom services, etc., which are exclusively available to Super Users and their designated Normal Users.


Super User means any organizational users that register an Account to use MAZi platform Team Services, including but not limited to companies, government agencies, and unincorporated organizations. Under its Account, Super User can set up organizational structure(s)——the virtual team(s) that managed by the Super User, invite Normal Users and create Accounts for them to be organizational structure(s) members, as well as manage the use of Services with administrative privileges.

Normal User means any natural person individuals who are invited by the Super User to use MAZi platform Team Services under the management of such Super User, and are allocated with Normal User Accounts.

Organization/Enterprise/Team means the organizational structure(s) which has Normal Users as its members and created by Super User for the purpose of using specific MAZi platform Team Services.

Individual User means any natural individual data subject, who is the user of MAZi Services excluding MAZi platform Team Services, registering the Account in their own name and on their own behalf, and not the member of any organizational structure(s).

Alarm Receiving Center means the operation center to provide alarm services such as services of alarming abnormal events of the receiving equipment.

Third Party Services means services provided to MAZi Services users by any third party service providers including without limitation Alarm Receiving Center, of which, the third party service providers can, with or without the permission by users granted through MAZi Services(but shall agree with the users on such service providing separately if no authorization through MAZi Services is required), provide remote monitoring services, including i) alarming abnormal events of the receiving equipment; ii) obtaining device parameter information and arming and disarming the device; iii) video preview, video playback, picture capture, PTZ operation, video download within specific timing, etc.

  1. The Types of Personal Information We Process and Why We Collect It

In order to provide MAZi Services to you, as a controller or processor, we collect and process your Personal Information. We will ask you to provide Personal Information that is necessary to provide those services to you, and we process the Personal Information which you voluntarily provide to us. If you do not provide your Personal Information, we may not be able to provide you with our Products or MAZi Services. We may also collect Personal Information from publicly or non-publicly accessible sources, for example, Google, where you use your Google Account to register a MAZi platform account.

Personal Information we collect may vary depending on the Services you use, your user type and your role, here are more details:

  • Before you use MAZi Services for the first time, you need to provide information including your name, phone number and email address in order to create an account (“Account”). If you are a Super User who intend to use MAZi platform Team Services, you can either by yourself or authorize an installer to provide the aforementioned information for us to create an Account. If you are a Normal User, the Super User managing your Organization/Enterprise/Team will provide us with such information and create an Account on your behalf, then information such as registration activation email, password resetting verification number, alarming report, etc. will be sent by us to your e-mail address or Account from time to time. In case of modification your Account information, the original information will not be stored by us. By logging in the Account, you acknowledge that you have given consent to installers, the Super User (if applicable) and MAZi to collect, process and store your specific Personal Information. Any Account information will be stored until your Account deletion, if you are Super User, you could click Home button, and then select General-Security-Users to delete your Account voluntarily, while if you are Normal User, please contact Super User for account deletion.
  • When you add, install, activate and manage Products, we will collect certain basic information via MAZi Services, such as your product name, the product’s verification code, serial number, and IP addresses which are unique to the Product connected to MAZi Services and associated with your Account. 
  • When you share any Products and certain permissions to other MAZi platform users through MAZi Services, for them to access or manage such Products, we will collect information to allow you to share your Products, such as the  email address of the user you select to share your Products with.
  • Through MAZi Services, you may be able to invite other people such as friends or family to use MAZi Services and download our mobile app. We collect that person's email address to automatically send an email invitation on your behalf. We collect this information to send this email, to register your friend or family member if your invitation is accepted, and to track the success of our invitation services. In order to refer a friend, you must first obtain the consent from the person being referred to provide information on their behalf and inform them that they will be receiving a communication from MAZi.
  • When you respond to our e-mails, contact our customer service, or use other customer support tools, we collect your information to provide you with support, verify your identity with your Account profile information, and confirm your Product.
  • When you access MAZi Services, we will collect information related to how you use MAZi Products and Services, such as the types of content that you view or engage with, the features you use, the actions you take, and the time, frequency and duration of your activities, to provide you with a more relevant experience, to improve MAZi Products and Services, to prevent misuse, and to ensure that MAZi Services are working properly. We may also record adjustments you make to our Products through MAZi Services. We store this information along with data collected directly by your Product. If you have questions about the security and privacy settings of your mobile device, please refer to instructions from your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your settings.
  • We also collect information from and about the devices you use to access MAZi Services. This includes information like the browser, device name, type of network, operator you use, device model, system version, language and time zone of your device.
  • When you use MAZi Services to preview the video, we will only transmit it, rather than store it. When you use MAZi Services to receive pictures or videos as alerts information, we will process information from your Products so that we can send you alerts when something happens. However, we will only store this information for seven(7) days to enable this function.
  • When you use MAZi platform Calling Function, we will collect relevant call record information (i.e. the call time and captured images of persons who make the call) generated during use of the service, and such record information will be stored by us for ninety (90) days with restricted access under strict control mechanisms to prevent any unauthorized access.
  • When you store video clips in your own SD card, hard disks, etc. of your own devices, you may use our playback function to view the video, in which case we only transmit your information, rather than store it.
  • When you use MAZi platform Team Services as the Super User or Normal User, please refer to corresponding Privacy Notice at:
  • When you use Third Party Services, in general, the corresponding third party service providers shall collect and process your Personal Information for providing services only after obtaining your authorization for permissions or offline consent, specifically, certain permission(s) managed through MAZi Services, such as products configuration permission and products sharing permission, may be reserved to such third party service providers by default to the extent that it is necessary under specific service situation. You, as the data subject, are suggested to learn about detailed influences of permissions authorization or reservation as listed in the Permission Statement, and shall agree with the third party service providers separately about related data protection obligation.
  • When you use MAZi platform Cloud Storage Service, please refer to the link at:
  • Other Personal Information you provide us with.
  1. How We Use Your Personal Information

We process your Personal Information as a controller: (1) to provide MAZi Services described in Terms of Services; (2) in furtherance of our legitimate interests in operating MAZi Services and business; and (3) with your consent. In some cases, we may process your information to comply with applicable law, legal process, or regulation, e.g. meeting a legal obligation, a court order, official request or other binding decision(s), such as sharing data with law enforcement or tax authorities; protect any person from death or serious bodily injury; or to carry out a task in the public interest.

 (1) Examples of MAZi processing your personal information to provide you MAZi Services include:

  1. Providing, processing, maintaining, improving and developing the MAZi Services and Products.
  2. Personalizing your experience with MAZi Services and Products.
  3. Providing support and responding to your requests and enquiries.
  4. Communicating with you about MAZi Services, your Products, or addressing any general queries, such as updates, customer support.
  5. Sending you reminders, technical notices, updates, alerts, support and administrative messages, service bulletins, and requested information.

(2) Examples of MAZi processing your information in furtherance of our legitimate interests in operating MAZi Services and business include:

  1. For fraud prevention and detection.
  2. Increasing the safety of MAZi Services and Products – for example, for user authentication, security protection, fraud detection, filing, and backups.
  3. Analyzing and developing statistical information about the use of MAZi Services to better improve MAZi Services.
  4. Enhancing other information we have about you to help us better understand you and determine your interests.
  5. Protecting our rights or property, enforcing our Terms of Service and legal notices and for the establishment, exercise and defense of legal claims.
  6. Managing our everyday business needs, such as auditing, administration of MAZi Services, forum management, fulfilment, analytics, fraud prevention, and enforcement of our corporate reporting obligations and Terms of Service.

 (3) Examples of MAZi processing your Personal Information with your consent, include:

  1. Contacting to tell you about our Available Services and Products as well as other promotions, which we believe may interest you unless you advise us that you do not wish to receive marketing or market research communications from us or unless you have not given us your consent in line with Applicable Data Protection laws.
  2. Collecting feedback or answers to our questionnaires from you to improve our Services and Products, and develop new features.
  3. Cookies and Other Technologies

We also use cookies, web beacons, and other technologies to keep records, store your preferences, improve our advertising, and collect information such as log data and device data. This allows us to better understand how you use MAZi Services and Products, diagnose and troubleshoot any problems you’re having, and otherwise administer and improve MAZi Services and Products. For more information about cookies, please refer to our Use of Cookies

We may also engage one or more third party service providers to serve online advertisements on our behalf via MAZi Services. They may use a pixel tag or other similar technology to collect information about your visits to sites, and they may use that information to target advertisements for our Products and MAZi Services.  

  1. Personal Information Processed on Your Behalf as a Processor

Where Personal Information of third party individuals (“Third Party Data”) are collected and processed via the Products purchased or used by you, MAZi will process such Third-Party Data, as a processor, on your behalf.

In particular, when you use the Product’s recording or streaming features, we record and process video and/or audio content from the Product which will include Third Party Data. This includes capturing and emailing to you portions of the Third Party Data as part of a notification or analysing the Third Party Data to identify motion or other events. We process Third Party Data from your Product so that we can send you alerts when something happens and can provide you with calling services. In addition, if you have the recording features enabled, we will capture, process and retain video and audio recordings from your Product for the duration of your recording subscription period.

  1. How We Share Your Information

We do not sell any Personal information to third parties. MAZi may share personal information with third parties on the basis of non-disclosure agreements. You hereby consent that we may disclose personal information to these third parties:

  • We share your personal information with MAZi affiliates, who are required to use that information in accordance with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.
  • We use service providers, vendors, technicians and other third-parties to help us process, store, and protect some of your data and otherwise help us administer our Products and MAZi Services effectively, provide a better user experience, process your purchases, and increase the quality of our Products and MAZi Services. These third-parties are forbidden from using your personal information for non-MAZi purposes and are required to protect your information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws. 

We may provide information to third-parties if we believe in good faith that we are required by mandatory law to do so. For example, to comply with legal orders and government requests; response to a subpoena, or similar legal process, including to law enforcement agencies, regulators, and courts; to protect the interests of our customers and users of MAZi Service; to respond to claims that any content posted or displayed using MAZi Service violates the rights of third parties; in an emergency protect the health and safety of users of MAZi Service or the general public; or to enforce compliance with our Terms of Service.

If MAZi and/or all or part of our assets are ever sold or transferred, your personal information may be among the items sold or transferred. Under such circumstance, we will notify you by the email address specified in your Account or by means of notice on website of (i) the identity and contact information of the purchaser or transferee, (ii) your right to revoke your consent to the provision of personal information, and (iii) the means by which you may revoke such consent.

We share information to protect our own legitimate business interests when we believe in good faith that we are required or permitted by law to do so. For example, we may share your personal information as needed to support auditing, compliance, and corporate governance functions; to combat fraud or criminal activity; to protect our rights or those of our affiliates and users; or as part of legal proceedings affecting MAZi.

We may also disclose non-personal information (for example, aggregated or anonymized data) publicly or with third-parties, provided those data have been rendered anonymous in such a way that the data subject is no longer identifiable.  For example, we may share non-personal information:

  • for the same reasons we might share Personal information;
  • to better understand how our customers interact with MAZi Services and Products, in order to optimize your experience, improve our products, or provide better services;
  • for our own research and data analytics; or
  • to our vendors for their own analysis and research.
  1. Securing Your Personal Information

MAZi has implemented commercially reasonable administrative, technical, and physical security controls that are designed to safeguard personal information. We also conduct periodic reviews and assessments of the effectiveness of our security controls.

Notwithstanding the above, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, MAZi cannot guarantee that your personal information is under absolute security with the existing security technology. However, we will handle personal data breaches as required by applicable data protection law which includes, where required, notifying the breach to the relevant data protection supervisory authority and data subjects.

If you have any questions about the security of MAZi Services, you can contact us by phone at +39-6-930-1801 or email at

  1. Your Rights and Retention of Your Personal Information

MAZi generally stores your personal information on MAZi’s servers which is established upon third-party servers, including Amazon Server, until you delete or edit it, or for as long as you remain a MAZi user in order to provide you with the most relevant offers. Please contact us using the contact details below if you would like more information about our retention policies.

Keeping your personal information current helps ensure that we provide you with the most relevant offers. You can access, update or delete your personal information via your Account profile by selecting “Person” button. We are ready to assist you in managing your subscriptions, deactivating your Account, and removing your active profile and data. Generally, except for certain information (i.e. event alarm information, attendance record under MAZi platform Team Services)collected and generated under certain MAZi Services, which would be retained and deleted pursuant to specific rules otherwise specified in this Privacy Policy, and some personal information required to be retained for compliance reasons pursuant to applicable laws, after your Account is deactivated, the personal information under your Account would be immdiately deleted.In addition, because of the way we maintain certain services, after you delete certain information, we may temporarily retain backup copies of such information before it is permanently deleted.

We will retain your personal information for the period necessary to fulfill the purpose outlined in this Privacy Policy unless a longer retention period is required or permitted by applicable law.

  1. Social Community Features and Social Networks

Social Community Features

MAZi Services may allow you to publicly post or share information, communicate with others, or otherwise make information accessible to others. Prior to doing so, please read our Terms of Service carefully. All the information you post, share, or communicate may be accessible to anyone with Internet access, and any personal information you include may be read, collected, and used by others.

Links to other websites

We may permit others to link to MAZi Services or to post a link to their website. We do not endorse these websites and are not responsible for other websites or their privacy practices.  Please read their privacy policies before submitting information.

  1. Your Choices

We think that you benefit from a more personalized experience when we know more about you and your preferences. However, you can limit the information you provide to MAZi as well as the communications you receive from MAZi through your Account preferences.

Commercial E-mails

You will only receive commercial e-mails from us if you have granted prior express consent or if sending those e-mails is otherwise permitted, in accordance with applicable laws.

You may choose not to receive commercial e-mails from us by following the instructions contained in any of the commercial e-mails we send or by logging into your Account and adjusting your e-mail preferences. Please note that even if you unsubscribe from commercial email messages, we may still e-mail you non-commercial e-mails related to your Account and your transactions on MAZi Services.

Device Data

You may manage how your mobile device and mobile browser share certain device data with MAZi by adjusting the privacy and security settings on your mobile device. Please refer to instructions provided by your mobile service provider or the manufacturer of your device to learn how to adjust your settings.

  1. Children’s Privacy

MAZi does not intend that any portion of its MAZi Services will be accessed or used by children under the age of 18, or equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction and such use is prohibited. MAZi Services are designed and intended for adults. By using MAZi Services, you represent that you are at least 18 years old, or above the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction and understand that you must be at least 18 years old, or above the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction in order to create an Account and purchase the goods or services advertised through MAZi Services. If we obtain actual knowledge that an Account is associated with a registered user who is under the age of 18 years old, or equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction, we will promptly delete information associated with that Account.  If you are a parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18, or equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction and believe he or she has disclosed personal information to us please contact us by phone at +39-6-930-1801 or email at A parent or guardian of a child under the age of 18, or equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction may review and request deletion of such child’s personal information as well as prohibit the use thereof.

  1. Global Operations and Data Transfers

We transfer and process your information globally both in our own facilities and with service providers, or partners, regardless of where you use our services. As MAZi operates globally, we may transfer your personal information to our affiliates worldwide, when processing that information for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, e.g. if you request for customer services from MAZi, our colleagues in China may access certain of your information (wherever you are located) in order to provide the requested services to you. We shall do so in accordance with the applicable laws. In particular, we will ensure that all transfers will be in accordance with requirements under your applicable local data protection laws by putting in place appropriate safeguards. You hereby agree to transfer the data and you have the right to be informed of the appropriate safeguards taken by MAZi for this transfer of your Personal information.  

Currently we have data centers in the U.S., Singapore, Brazil and Ireland. The laws, regulations, and standards of the country in which your information is stored or processed may be different from those of your own country. You have understood that the risks under applicable data protection laws are different and we may transfer to and store your personal information at our overseas facilities. However, this does not change any of our commitments to safeguard your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  1. Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any questions or comments about our privacy practices or this Privacy Policy. You can always reach us by phone at +39-6-930-1801 or email at Please provide: (i) your name (or account user name) and preferred method of contact; and (ii) the details of your request or comment along with any corresponding website links.

  1. Additional Terms

EU/UK addendum

If you are located in the the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and the UK, Please note,

  1. i) For purposes of EU data protection legislation, MAZi Security Company, located at No. 555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China is the data controller responsible for the personal information processing covered by this Privacy Policy, except as set out below. MAZi Europe B.V., located at Dirk Storklaan 3, 2132 PX Hoofddorp, Netherlands (“MAZi Europe”) acts as EU representative for personal information processing activities covered in this Privacy Policy. You may contact the EU representative using the details in Contact Us.
  2. ii) You have a right to object to the processing of your Personal Information where the processing is carried out for our legitimate interests. Subject to limitations in applicable data protection laws, you have certain rights in respect to your Personal Information, such as a right of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection,  portability and the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processing, including profiling. In order to exercise your rights, please contact us. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at all times, free of charge. The withdrawal of your consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. However, your withdrawal may affect your continued use of MAZi Services. If you have concerns about how we handle your Personal Information, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection authority.

iii) If you are a corporate customer of MAZi, then transfers of your Personal Information and your Third Party Data to MAZi will be made in reliance on approved data transfer agreements (otherwise known as Standard Contractual Clauses or SCCs).

  1. iv) If you are located in the EEA/UK whenever MAZi transfers such Personal Information outside the EEA/UK, where required or appropriate, MAZi will put in place SCCs, to secure your Personal Information (and Third Party Data). Where transfers are made to our affiliate, Hangzhou EZVIZ Software Co. Ltd ("HES"), the categories of Personal Information processed are as set out in this Privacy Policy. HES may also transfer Personal Information to third party recipients who may be located outside the EEA/UK for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. HES will only make such onward transfers to recipients ensuring appropriate safeguards and which may include putting in place additional SCCs.

A copy of the SCCs can be obtained by contacting us at the address in Contact Us.

US addendum

If you reside in some states of the United States, you may have additional privacy rights pursuant to those state privacy laws. Please find the details in the Additional State-Specific Privacy Notice.

Russia addendum

We have deployed local servers in Russia. If you are located in Russia, your Personal Information will be stored in the local servers instead of other overseas data centers.

India addendum

We have deployed local servers in India. If you select located country as “India” during registration Account, your Personal information will be stored in the local servers instead of overseas data centers.